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Poplar Farm School receive UNICEF’s Silver RRS Award

΢΢Ƶ - Community Inclusive Trust. Where learning comes first

Poplar Farm's Rights Respecting Rangers with Rocky Racoon

Poplar Farm Primary School have been awarded the Silver Rights Respecting School Award by UNICEF UK.

UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation working for children and their rights. The Rights Respecting Schools Award is granted to schools that show commitment to promoting and realising children’s rights and encouraging adults, children and young people to respect the rights of others in school.

Kate Hodson, Headteacher said:

“We are delighted to announce that Poplar Farm School has met the standard for Silver with UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools Award.

“We had previously been awarded bronze status in 2022 in recognition of the awareness raised within our curriculum as being a ‘Rights Respecting School’.  The Silver Award is in recognition of our excellent progress towards embedding the principles of the UN Convention on the ‘Rights of the Child’ into our ethos and curriculum.”

“The next step is to continue the hard work as we look to achieve Gold Rights Respecting status.”

UNICEF’s Report evidenced:

“Leaders across the school strongly believe that the school’s values and ethos underpins everything they do to ensure that rights remain at the heart of the school community. They are clear that “developing a rights respecting culture is not an add on. Pupils are more empowered, self-confident and respectful towards each other.”

“The children are effusive about the importance of rights. They understand, are knowledgeable about the different articles and are fully aware that rights belong to them. Pupils are aware of the plight of children in war torn countries as well as the hardship some families experience in their local community and are fully conversant about the ABCDE of rights and understand the importance of these.”

The UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured, and they are able to thrive. Our Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.

[Pictured above: Poplar Farm Primary School’s Rights Respecting Rangers with Rocky Racoon]

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