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Revalidation is a process that all nurses and nursing associates are required to follow to maintain their registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
The NMC expects nurses and nursing associates to revalidate every three years. This process allows you to maintain your registration and demonstrate your continued ability to practise safely and effectively throughout your career.
It also provides you with the opportunity to reflect on your role in practice and encourage you to develop new skills and understanding to meet the changing landscape of nursing care.
Maintaining my registration demonstrates my commitment to maintaining high standards and staying updated with professional requirements. I’ve worked really hard to develop a broad skill set and knowledge base which makes me the nurse I am. I’m proud of that and definitely not ready to give it up.
Clinical supervision can offer professional support to nurses and nursing associates helping them to develop reflective practice. This webinar explores one approach using a restorative model called resilience based clinical supervision.
Duration 25 mins
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